Mr. Todd Sherman

Professor of Art and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Emeritus

WHEREAS Mr. Todd Sherman has served the University of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Fairbanks with distinction in teaching, research and service from 1992 to 2020; and

WHEREAS Mr. Sherman began teaching as an adjunct in 1986, and, after moving to a tenure track position, developed the Art Department’s printmaking program and taught painting, drawing and aesthetic appreciation classes; and he has taught many hundreds of students in a variety of methods; and

WHEREAS Mr. Sherman has shown his artwork professionally in more than forty solo exhibitions and in numerous juried and invitational exhibitions in ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, nationally and internationally; and his public art commissions include those in the UA Butrovich Building, Randy Smith Middle School and Jay Rabinowitz Courthouse in Fairbanks; and his works are found in collections across the nation; and

WHEREAS Mr. Sherman in 2005 founded the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Visual Arts Academy for junior and senior high school students; and he spends dozens of hours annually as a visiting artist in Fairbanks schools; and he helps maintain the Fairbanks North Star Borough Noel Wien Library’s beloved mural by the late William D. Berry, whose work he has frequently researched and curated for various venues; and

WHEREAS Mr. Sherman served eight years as dean of the College of Liberal Arts and brought his personable nature to the task;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the University of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Fairbanks expresses its deep appreciation to Mr. Todd Sherman for his extensive contributions to the State of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ and to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the University of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Fairbanks, in further recognition of the invaluable services rendered by Mr. Sherman and as evidence of the University’s desire that his identification with the University be maintained, hereby confers upon Mr. Todd Sherman the title of Professor of Art and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Emeritus; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be appropriately engrossed and signed by the Chancellor as further evidence of the University of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Fairbanks’ esteem and respect for Mr. Todd Sherman, and conveyed to Mr. Sherman on this twenty-third day of May, 2020.