Borrow a Kit


Caribou Kit contents on a black background.Why borrow a kit?

Museum Kits contain specimens, artifacts, models and suggested activities for a wide variety of ages. Designed for hands-on learning, the collections can be used in many different ways. Kit materials reflect the diversity of the UA Museum of the North’s research collections and utilize materials from our rich teaching collection to help you explore culture, science, and natural history in your own classroom.

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How to request a kit

Choose a kit and fill out our . Please make your request at least 1 week in advance. We will contact you to confirm kit availability.

These Museum Kits are available to homeschool families through their contact teachers. For compact kits available directly to homeschool families, please visit the Homeschool Kits page.

Kits are picked up and dropped off at the museum. Details will be emailed to borrowers. Pick up your kit on the designated date.  Kits should be returned to the museum no later than 5:00 pm on the due date. A late fee of $5 per day will be assessed.

Kits may be available for mailing to rural communities in the state. The requesting school will be responsible for shipping costs. Contact us for details:

Please note: Kits are available during the academic year (August-May). During the summer months, kits are not available for check out.


Kit Passes are $25 per academic year.  Kit Pass holders can reserve kits throughout the academic year. 

You can purchase a kit pass , at our annual Educators' Night or Homeschool Day, or at the museum's front desk when you pick up your first loan.


Loan Duration

The duration of kit loans is 2 weeks.

Up to two kits can be borrowed at a time.  Loan duration can be extended if necessary within the limits of kit availability. Contact us in advance for special requests.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your loan, contact us at least 1 week in advance. Kits are popular and we often have a waiting list. Cancelling with less than 1 week's notice may result in loss of your borrowing abilities. Failure to pick up is considered a last-minute cancellation.


Contact us at or by phone at (907) 474-5360.


Support UAMN Outreach

Your support can help sustain UAMN's kit program and provide for delivery to rural communities. Follow the link below to learn about the Cabanis Outreach Fund.

Giving Page


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