Virtual Junior Curators: Bones

October 2021's theme was Bones!

A beaver skull sitting on a skull-patterned tablecloth, next to a card with a picture of a beaver skull and the words "Whose bones?"

UAMN photo by Roger Topp, 2018.

Explore what bones can teach us about the world!

Discover the amazing variety of animal bones, how scientists study bones, how people use bones to make tools, and more.


At Home Activities:

The links are all PDF documents. 

                                             Paintbrush brushing sand away from a small plastic fish toy, encased in plaster of Paris. Model fishing lure, made of a long thin piece of clay attached to an unbent paperclip with a length of string. An popsicle stick is attached to the other end of the string.        Moveable bat skeleton puppet, with brads connecting the pieces. A string is hanging down from the bottom, with a hand holding the end.

Left to Right: Mini Fossil Dig, Design a Bone Tool, and Bat Skeleton Puppet examples.



Bowhead Whale Skeleton Articulation


In Spring 2021, UA Museum of the North staff suspended a bowhead whale skeleton in the lobby. Watch behind-the-scenes videos of museum staff preparing the skeleton!




For activities designed for kids ages 5 and under, go to our Virtual Early Explorers page.



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