Tutoring Services
Tutoring is available both on campus (in person) and virtual! You do not have to be in Fairbanks to meet with a tutor.
Accounting Lab
The Accounting Program has an Accounting Lab located in Bunnell 217 and the hours vary. Tutoring is primarily by Zoom, with some in person options. Details and hours are on their website.
Chemistry Learning Center
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers a chemistry lab with multiple tutors and tons of hours! Tutoring is in the Reichardt and Murie buildings. Chemistry Teaching Assistants also offer assistance during their office hours and can be contacted by email.
Computing Labs
Need to use a computer or printer? Here's a summary of locations and hours for ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ computer labs. Hint: RSS has computers and free printing!
Computing Lab Locations and Hours
CTC Writing, Math, and Science Lab
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ's Community and Technical College offers writing and math help downtown in 604 Barnette, Room 120. They also offer online appointments for writing, math, and science classes (biology, health, and lower level chemistry and physics).
Developmental Math Lab
The Department of Developmental Education offers tutoring for students enrolled in classes such as MATH 54, MATH 55, MATH 68, and MATH 105.
Developmental Math Tutoring FAQ
Math and Stat Lab
Located in Chapman 305, the Math and Stat Lab is open seven days a week. Tutors there will help with any core MATH or STAT class (courses designated by an X, like MATH F113x). If your math class is through CTC, you will need to use their math lab instead.
Engineering Tutoring Lab
The College of Engineering and Mines provides tutoring lab support in Duckering 246.
Engineering Tutoring Lab Schedule
Foreign Language Lab
The Language Lab has computers and language programs for your use and tutors.
Student Support Services
Student Support Services offers tutors from many different fields, including writing, communication, science, and mathematics. If you are eligible for the SSS program, this might be the resource for you! They also can connect you with virtual tutors.
Student Support Services Tutoring Schedule
Check to see if you are eligible for SSS and apply here!
The Speaking Center
The Speaking Center can help you prepare for class presentations, and they can even help with mock interviews! Coaches here will help at any stage in the process, from refining a topic to practicing a presentation.
The Writing Center
The ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Writing Center offers tutors, reference books, and a computer lab with free printing. Their writing tutors can help with any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming to final edits. They are available in person and by Zoom, Google Hangouts, or phone.
The Writing Center Schedule and Appointment Sign Up
Hint: During the fall and spring semesters, a Writing Center tutor also comes to the RSS Gathering Room!
Virtual Tutor Lab
All ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñn Students have free access to a variety of tutoring with the virtual lab!