Winter Shorts - Fall, 2017

November 10-19, 2017
The Winter Shorts, Fall 2016 included:

The Writer by Chip Bolcik, directed by Freddy Gryder
Over the Line  by Freddy Gryder, directed by Adam Gillette
Home  by Vinecia Coleman, directed by Mary Conlin
Ace  by Frederica Matumeak, directed by Lara Lotze

The Writer Production Photos

Kelsey Nore and Victoria Nelson on stage in The Writer

Kelsey Nore and Victoria Nelson on stage in The Writer

Kelsey Nore and Victoria Nelson on stage in The Writer

Kelsey Nore and Victoria Nelson on stage in The Writer

Kelsey Nore and Victoria Nelson on stage in the Writer

Over the Line Production Photos

Gary Becker and Luke Williams on stage in Over the Line

Gary Becker and Luke Williams on stage in Over the Line

Gary Becker and Luke Williams on stage in Over the Line

Gary Becker and Luke Williams on stage in Over the Line


Home Production Photos

Brittany Bowling; Darren Napoli; Sam Thompson; Sarah Williams on stage in Home

Ariana Polanco; Darren Napoli; Eugene Cole; Kellie Bernstein; Sarah Williams on stage in Home

Brittany Bowling and Sarah Williams on stage in Home

Brittany Bowling, Darren Napoli, Sam Thompson and Sarah Williams on stage in Home

Darren Napoli, Sam Thompson and Sarah Williams on stage in Home

Darren Napoli, Victoria Nelson and Sarah Williams on stage in Home

Brittany Bowling, Darren Napoli, Eugene Cole and Sarah Williams on stage in Home

Ariana Polanco, Brittany Bowling, Darren Napoli and Sarah Williams on stage in Home

Ariana Polanco, Brittany Bowling, Darren Napoli and Sarah Williams on stage in Home

Brittany Bowling, Darren Napoli, Kellie Bernstein and Sarah Williams on stage in Home

Brittany Bowling and Sarah Williams on stage in Home

Sarah Williams on stage in Home


Ace Production Photos

Arian Polanco, Darren Napoli, and Victoria Nelson on stage in Ace

Arian Polanco, Darren Napoli, and Victoria Nelson on stage in Ace

Arian Polanco and Victoria Nelson on stage in Ace

Arian Polanco, Darren Napoli, and Victoria Nelson on stage in Ace

Darren Napoli, and Victoria Nelson on stage in Ace

Arian Polanco, Darren Napoli, and Victoria Nelson on stage in Ace

Arian Polanco, Darren Napoli, and Victoria Nelson on stage in Ace

Darren Napoli and Victoria Nelson on stage in Ace

Victoria Nelson on stage in Ace